Our Approach

Holistic, Relational, Collaborative

Our Approach Is...



We believe that people function best when there is harmony between body, mind, spirit and connection. So together we explore all these aspects to create balance and meaning in your life.

Relational approach in counselling


We know that humans were built for connection. So we work with you to improve all your relationships. Connections with yourself, your family, your communities and your natural environment. The need to belong and feel connected is vital to our mental health. But, how each individual fits into this world is as unique as a fingerprint. We take the time to help you figure out your unique place in the world.

Collaborative counselling


Put another way, it’s client-centred but therapist driven. We aren’t experts on how you should live your life. We are experts in driving a process that can help you figure that out for yourself. And together we can help you let go of what’s keeping you stuck and live the life you want and deserve.

"There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn't."

John Green

Our Values

Courage - we believe that under the right conditions, we can find the courage to grow. We don’t just create a safe place, but also a brave place for you to tackle what life throws at you.

Connection - we believe that connection is based on deep respect and understanding. Along with bravery, we need vulnerability to truly connect. Let’s be brave and vulnerable together.

Community - We don’t just welcome diversity, we cherish it. Juniper Counselling rests in the indigenous value of “all my relations”. This is a reminder of our interconnectedness among peoples and the land.  It is also a reminder of who we are, where we came from, and our place in the larger tapestry of community.

Diversity and community

Book a free consultation

We all want to belong and find purpose in our lives. However, when life gets difficult we often feel lonely, disconnected and lost. Counselling at Juniper means you don’t have to face it alone.

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