An effective tool in the treatment of ADHD is coaching; offering practical solutions that can improve everyday situations. We create strategies to help you prioritize tasks, structure your environment, regulate your emotions and improve your quality of life.
What is ADHD?
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects many people worldwide. However, with the help of trained therapist, people with ADHD can overcome the challenges that come with this condition. We offer different approaches and coping strategies that can help you manage ADHD symptoms and improve their quality of life.

Coping Strategies
Coping is a process rather than an event...
We often prefer to certain coping strategies over others. Rigidity in coping is less helpful than flexibility in coping — finding the right tool for the job is key! Our job is to expand your toolbox.
The most important strategy is maintaining emotionally supportive relationships with others. A vast field of research demonstrates that emotional support buffers us against the negative impact of stress.
Emotional Regulation
There are a number of reasons why we lose control of our emotions. We may be genetically predisposed, or maybe we never learned how the skills we need. We may lose control when we experience triggers for negative situations from the past. Or it could be physical exhaustion or a drop in blood sugar.
No matter the reason for the emotional volatility, the good news is that we can learn better self-regulation. We can all benefit from learning strategies to control our emotions, but it is especially helpful with ADHD.